Wow api print print() Any - any number of any type of values. The Settings API has been changed, particularly around . text string - text which will appear in new tooltip ← WoW API < GetMouseFocus Returns the frame that is currently receiving mouse events. Much easier to use then default print or chat ← WoW API < GetCursorInfo. else print ("I am not in a group") end. GetMountInfoByID(mountIDs[i])); end Part 2: Creating a Frame. currentSpeed, runSpeed, ← WoW Lua Apply the function f to the elements of the table passed. itemId = GetContainerItemID(bag, slot); bag Number (BagId) - Index of the bag to query. 49, 0. The default print handler, provided by blizzard, converts all arguments to strings, concatenates them separated by a single space character, and prints the resulting string to the default chat Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. The following Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. local max_health = UnitHealthMax(unit); unit UnitId - the unit whose max health to query. net Developer Portal</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content ← WoW API < GetCursorInfo. WoWWiki was the original place where all the reverse-engineered APIs were documented. Returns the name and realm of the specified unit. Returns the values in a consecutive-integer indexed table ret1, ret2, retN = unpack(table[, start [, end]]) Will not return values with hash style GetPlayerMapPosition (map, "player") print (position: GetXY ())-- 0. In this thread I'm gonna focus on API. Details . Resources. value string|number? = "0" - The new value of the CVar. local health = UnitHealth(unit); unit UnitId - identifies the unit to query health for health Integer - current Returns the current zoom level of the camera. For a general tutorial on setting up ← WoW API < UnitLevel Returns the unit's level. Patch ← WoW API < GetContainerItemID Returns the item id of the item in a particular container slot. - Updated in 2. Returns the movement speed of the unit. foreach(t, print) -- display the table contents 1 1 2 two 3 3 > table. lua The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. For EventRegistry callback events, see EventRegistry. 2 (2008-10-14): Returns absolute health instead of percentages for non party/raid units. usable, nomana = IsUsableSpell("spellName" or spellID or spellIndex[, "bookType"]); > t = { 1,"two",3 } -- create a table > = table. It prevents nil errors Outputs text to a local MessageFrame, with optional color id. Returns info for an item. Main idea is to examine WoW API or your addon's variables in table-like UI. ← WoW API < GetItemCount Returns count information for the item. 2 MessageFrame:AddMessage(text [, r, g, b, id, addToStart]) Arguments Overview []. bookType string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET Formats a string by substituting arguments. The frame must have enableMouse="true" frameID = GetMouseFocus(); none frameID Table - The Please see WoWWiki:How to edit API pages for a list of boilerplates and page tags to use for different types of API related pages. The World of -- Generic print function that colors message as red: function Util:ThrowError(msg, debug) WoW API of the server time. See Dragonflight Talent System - Hero Talent Trees. Examining the WoW API or your addon's variables in a table-like, columnar interface is much easier than using print(), /dump, or other chat debugging methods. arg1, arg2, = ← WoW API < GetItemIcon. 861. com or whoever the fuck it is that owns them all now, timestamp number - Unix Time in seconds with milliseconds precision, for example 1555749627. If > Normal Text Green Text Red Text Green Text Normal Text Textures |Tpath:height[:width[:offsetX:offsetY[:textureWidth:textureHeight:leftTexel:rightTexel:topTexel:bottomTexel[:rVertexColor:gVertexColor:bVertexColor]]]]|t > Normal Text Green Text Red Text Green Text Normal Text Textures [] |Tpath:height[:width[:offsetX:offsetY[:textureWidth:textureHeight:leftTexel:rightTexel:topTexel:bottomTexel[:rVertexColor:gVertexColor:bVertexColor]]]]|t Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. currentSpec = GetSpecialization([isInspect, isPet, specGroup]) isInspect boolean? - if true, return information Lua is a scripting language and is used in the WoW User Interface and addons. max_health Integer - Details. Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. seconds = GetTime(); Parameters [] Arguments [] None Returns [] seconds Floating I wasn't aware WoW is already on Lua 5. seconds = GetTime(); Parameters [] Arguments [] None Returns [] seconds Floating Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Is a Lua table module function. This would ultimately Is there a printer for post it notes? When re-implementing software, does analyzing the original software's kernel-calls make the re-implementation a derived work? Meaning of Sets the text of a tooltip. This can help if you have some spammy debug text in your chat window and you don't know what /dump prints variable or expression results to the chat frame and is part of the Blizzard DebugTools interface. lua ← WoW API < UnitInRaid. EasyMenu(menuList, You cannot do anything which is not defined in the WoW API. unitToken = UnitTokenFromGUID(unitGUID) unitGUID string : GUID - A unit GUID to query. result = string. ← WoW API < print. 7 onwards. Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. i)) end. Returns a number if the unit is in your raid group, nil otherwise. Fires the frame's OnLoad script, if it has one from an inherited template. Then the site got bought out by fandom. Hello everyone. 2 Updates Breaking changes. The Lua user interface code can be exported from the game client. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. isTrue = UnitInRange("unit") Arguments [] unit ← WoW API < UnitHealth. Returns the system uptime of your computer in seconds, with millisecond precision. success = ScriptObject:HookScript(scriptTypeName, script [, bindingType]) Arguments scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for ← WoW API < GetMoney Returns an integer value of your held money. Table of Contents; AceConsole-3. value, defaultValue, isStoredServerAccount, isStoredServerCharacter, isLockedFromUser, isSecure, isReadOnly = ← WoW API < UnitHealthMax Returns the maximum health of the specified unit. slot WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Blizzard Battle. For events in Azeroth such as World Events and Holidays, see Event. name, rank, subgroup, level, class, fileName, zone, online, isDead, role, isML = GetRaidRosterInfo(raidIndex); WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; ← WoW Lua. The command supports a number of sub-commands: /api system list: WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; Console. GetNumGroupMembers() is great if the party is not a full 4 members or the raid is not a full 40 people. While DevTool is fully capable of being used solely from its graphical PrintTracer hooks the print function in order to display the source of print function calls. Hi my name is: Octon Details [] UnitName("unit") (or any other WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; ← WoW API < UnitDebuff Retrieve info about a certain debuff on a certain unit. script function|nil - Returns the server's Unix time. This takes into ← WoW API < UnitInRange. Used to traverse a list. 0, 0. This is a WoW API modified version of Lua's debug. 54863452911377 Sending a map pin for a target Sends a map pin to General chat for the Details. Patch 8. I have decided to write this post to help new developers getting started with the Blizzard APIs. Large messages are truncated to max 255 characters, /dump table /run DevTools_DumpCommand("table") /run DevTools_Dump(table) Edit; might need UIParentLoadAddOn("Blizzard_DebugTools") if not using /dump Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. unitToken Sets the widget script handler. posY, posX, posZ, instanceID = UnitPosition(unit) Arguments [] unit string : UnitId - The unit for which the position is returned. Blizzard employee slouken interacted with addon developers such print (UnitName (party . e. The information returned depends on what the cursor has. Notably, operating system and file I/O libraries are not present. traceback() function. On each iteration the function f is passed the key-value pair of that element in the table. When in a EU time zone CEST (UTC+2) and playing on Moon Guard US, CDT (UTC-5). From AddOn Studio. foreach(tab, func); WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; This is the main reference page for the WoW UI Lua API available to user Macros and AddOns. infoType, info1[, info2] = GetCursorInfo() So SetColorTexture (among others) uses values between 0-1 for each of the RGB values. Examining the WoW API or your addon's Examining the WoW API or your addon's variables in a table-like, columnar interface is much easier than using print(), /dump, or other chat debugging methods. 0. For the Wrath ← Widget API ← MessageFrame < AddMessage Outputs text to a MessageFrame in the specified color, for a specified amount of time. local currentSpec = GetSpecialization( [ isInspect [, isPet] [, specGroup] ] ) isInspect Boolean - if Prints all spells in the spellbook for the player, except the profession tab ones. Classic []. r number - Red color component (between 0 and Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. 04). Also called the Hooking functions allows you to replace a function value in an accessible environment by a function of your own, calling the original function before or after execution of new code. Read more at API CreateFrame "Frame" is the frameType (a For the Dragonflight version, see Dragonflight Talent System. By default, this will output them all to the default chat frame. 0 provides registration facilities for slash commands. arg1, arg2, = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() Returns a variable number of values: 11 base values and up ← WoW API < UnitHealth Returns the current health of the specified unit. See list of EnchantIds and SpellItemEnchantment. This function is implemented in Lua here RestrictedEnvironment. Returns 1 if the unit is in range of most helpful spells (40yds) and in a group / raid with you, otherwise nil. 4. /script SendChatMessage("Level ". See also WoW Glue API. How To Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. /api subcommand args Usage /api displays general syntax help for this command. Tables display up to 30 values, Patch changes. Creating a frame in World of Warcraft for your addon is a simple process once you do it a few times. money = GetMoney(); money Number - The amount of money the player's character has, in copper. This is essentially an alias of UnitAura with the "HELPFUL" filter. Item ID. Retrieve info about a certain debuff on a certain unit. The Lua user interface ← WoW API < print This function is implemented by FrameXML in [DEPRECATED http://wowprogramming. Returns true if the specified spell ID is currently being casted or queued. Returns the assigned role in a group formed via the Dungeon Finder Tool. currentSpeed, runSpeed, flightSpeed, swimSpeed = GetUnitSpeed(unit) Arguments unit string: UnitToken - The unit to query the speed of. GameTooltip:SetText(text [, r, g, b, alpha, textWrap]) Arguments text String - The text for the tooltip. 1 (2018-07-17): Now returns a LfgDungeonID, in addition to the previous returns. GetItemInfo() Enchant ID. db2. isTrue = UnitInRange("unit") Returns if a quest has been completed. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Passes its arguments to the current print output handler. 54766619205475, 0. someText:SetTextColor(red,green,blue,alpha) (red, green, blue, alpha) red Number - Range 0 Returns the current value of a console variable. Gets information about something the cursor is holding. Lua This API is available during normal game play. Details. bookType string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET 'World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons', also known simply as 'World of Warcraft Programming', is a published book series and a complementary WoW API reference web site Queries the WoW API documentation. Note that time() and date() are tied to Frame Events are messages sent by the WoW client to UI code (via OnEvent script handlers), mostly in reaction to things occurring in the game world. exe -console argument will allow you to open I'm experimenting with web dev and am trying to make a "completionist" website for WoW, which will require plenty of data. infoType, info1[, info2] = GetCursorInfo() Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; ← WoW Lua. Returns info for the current client build. 54863452911377 Sending a map pin for a target Sends a map pin to General chat for the target (but still uses your own location). Item ID used for e. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided by the Blizzard Returns the current COMBAT_LOG_EVENT payload. Also called the CreateFrame is a part of the WoW API that create a new UI frame. This can help if you have some spammy debug text in your chat window and you don't know what Securely post-hooks a widget script handler. ; Frames cannot be deleted or garbage collected, so it may be preferable to reuse them. If you use that function with another function as the only (or last, more precisely) argument, it should print all The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. Patch 1. Returns the current health of the specified unit. ← WoW API < GetRaidRosterInfo Gets information about a raid member. Returns [] raidIndex An in-game graphical browser for Blizzard's API Documentation - Gethe/wow-api-docs This would return the following output from print: Debug Print on Line 7 with message: We tried to do something. insert(t, 1, "inserted") -- insert an element at the ← Widget API ← Frame < GetChildren Gets the children of a frame. Returns Comparison []. For Classic events, see Events/Classic. 13. Frame Events are Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 12345 ← WoW Lua. Sends a chat message. With the /console slash command. ie. Prints the player's name to the chat frame. How do you actually use Yup. (Unsure when this was added, guessing 8. format(pattern, ) = format = s:format Arguments [] pattern string - Contains directives like %s or %d (see details). Populate a context menu with options described in a provided table. I’m focusing first on the most common questions here in the Resources. Similar to time() and can be passed as the second argument of date(). Output is color coded for easier reading. itemIcon = GetItemIcon(itemID) Parameters [] Arguments [] (itemID) itemID Integer - The numeric ID of the item. This function is usually used to capture the arguments passed to an ellipsis (). IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(questID) Arguments [] questID number Returns [] ← WoW API < UnitDebuff. bookType string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET Hero Talent Trees are introduced into the C_ClassTalents and C_Traits APIs. if that Returns the index of the player's current specialization. format(pattern, ) = format = s:format Arguments pattern string - Contains directives like %s or %d (see details). It needs 1-4 arguments and returns a pointer to the frame. ) Hi, I've recently started to check LUA and API on wowwiki. 1 but could have been way Returns the movement speed of the unit. Return the icon texture for the item. ItemLinks can be altered to have any enchantID and still be valid Patch changes [] Retail []. It's officially documented in Blizzard_APIDocumentation which is accessible via the /api command. Details []. I was under the ← WoW API < GetItemInfo Return information about a specific item. MessageFrame:AddMessage("text", red, green, Appends a line of text to the tooltip widget. . The server's Unix timestamp is more preferable ← WoW API < UnitName. Returns value string? ← WoW API < IsUsableSpell Determines whether a spell can be used by the player character. eg: Druid orange is apparently SetColorTexture(1. name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, ← Widget API ← GameTooltip < AddLine GameTooltip:AddLine(text [, red, green, blue [, wrapText]]); Appends a line of text to tooltip. isCompleted = C_QuestLog. for i = 1 , GetNumSpellTabs () do local offset , numSlots = select ( 3 , GetSpellTabInfo ( i )) for j = offset point string : FramePoint - The point of this region. local health = UnitHealth(unit); Parameters [] unit UnitId - identifies the unit to query health for Returns [] ← WoW API < GetItemQualityColor Returns RGB color codes for an item quality. 5, I can only tell you what is in the documentation I found and what I have confirmed with several examples in forums. success = C_CVar. UnitLevel("target")); If the current target is a Level 50 mob, this macro will print Level 50 in Returns inRange number? - 1 if the target is in range of the spell, 0 if the target is not in range of the spell, nil if the provided arguments were invalid or inapplicable. r number?. Returns the current COMBAT_LOG_EVENT payload. Patch 3. child1, child2, , childN = Frame:GetChildren() None (child1, child2, ) The array can be referenced as an ipairs object. Returns info for a currency by ID. This is the API available during normal game play. You can register slash commands to your custom functions and This addon can help new developers to understand WoW API. Reference. The official usage of this function is to return a list (retN) starting from I am new to WoW Lua and having issues with getting Zone Ids. Recent Changes; WoW API: GetInstanceInfo. SetCVar(name [, value]) = SetCVar Arguments name string : CVar - Name of the CVar. How To Use. This function is implemented in Lua here FrameXML/EasyMenu. 3. g. 0 License unless otherwise PrintTracer hooks the print function in order to display the source of print function calls. For the Wrath version, see API GetTalentInfo/Wrath. table. ; Intrinsic frames may Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. For the WoW Classic version, see API GetTalentInfo Lua in the World of Warcraft API []. So for example you are not allowed to create a file on your computer and put some text in it. GameTooltip:AddLine(tooltipText [, r, g, b, wrapText]) tooltipText string - Text to appear in new line. RegisterAddonMessagePrefix() to receive its messages via CHAT_MSG_ADDON. When developing a World of Warcraft addon, a large part See also: API change summaries/Historical Early API changes were communicated on the official World of Warcraft forums. While Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. SendChatMessage(msg [, chatType [, languageID [, target]]]) Arguments msg string - The message to be sent. There is only one instance of the ColorPickerFrame, and, as such, only color selection request can be processed at a time. info = GetPlayerMapPosition (map, "player") print (position: GetXY ())-- 0. count = GetItemCount(itemID or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, includeBank][, includeCharges]) itemID / ← WoW API < UnitBuff Retrieves info about a certain buff on a certain unit. getn(t) -- find current size 3 > table. 1, use pairs or ipairs instead. ← WoW API < GetAverageItemLevel overall, equipped Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Site. (Deprecated in Lua 5. TOC: 110002 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Official patch notes: 11. /console scriptErrors 1 The /console enable command or launching the game with the WoW. ScriptObject:SetScript(scriptTypeName, script) Arguments scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for example "OnShow". This prefix can be max 16 characters long and ← WoW API < GetAverageItemLevel Return the internal Blizzard calculated overall and equipped Item Levels for the current player. lua. Note that the World of Warcraft API does not provide all standard Lua functions. For the Dragonflight version, see Dragonflight Talent System . raidIndex = UnitInRaid("unit") Arguments [] unit String - unitId to check. Recipients must register a prefix using C_ChatInfo. TOC: 110000; Diffs: wow-ui-source, api/AceConsole-3. itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, sellPrice print(GetUnitName("target")) Result [ edit ] Print "Bob" if Bob is your target and is on your server or "Bob - Server Name" if Bob is your target and is from a different server. 0 License unless otherwise Returns the index of the player's current specialization. role ← WoW API < GetTime. TOPLEFT, TOPRIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT, BOTTOMRIGHT TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER relativeTo ScriptRegion|string? - Returns the position of a unit in the current world area. timestamp = GetServerTime() Returns [] timestamp number - Time in seconds since the epoch. local datetime = time() -- LUA implementation of local machine Examples # Displayed Money Stored As 1: 1 Copper: 1 2: 1 Silver 2 Copper: 102 3: 1 Silver 23 Copper: 123 4: 12 Silver 3 Copper: 1203 5: 12 Silver 34 Copper: 1234 6 ← WoW API < EasyMenu. Runs the supplied function once for each table element. print("Hello, WoW!" print () is the Lua function that prints to the default chat frame. By default, this will output them all to the This addon can help new and veteran developers alike by providing a visual representation of their tables and structures. com/utils/xmlbrowser/live/RestrictedEnvironment. itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, Source: SharedXML\\Color. print(C_MountJournal. - Optional red color value for text, between 0 and 1. This is essentially an alias of UnitAura with the "HARMFUL" filter applied. Macro to print a list of the target's debuffs: /run for i=1,40 do local D= UnitDebuff("target",i); if D then ← Widget API ← FontString < SetTextColor Set the color of the text. Returns true if the player is in a raid. The examples were taken at the same time. 1. The documentation I am using is here: Has the API changed in some way that means the wowhead zone ids Sets a console variable. GetCVar(name) = GetCVar Arguments name string : CVar - name of the CVar to query the value of. r, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality) quality (number) - The numeric ID of the quality from 0 (Poor) to Formats a string by substituting arguments. name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, You can print textures into your own chat frame, but you cannot send them to other players (well, you can send them, but WoW will simply remove the textures and other players ← WoW API < GetSpecialization Returns the index of the player's current specialization. value = C_CVar. When the player interacts with the color picker, Details []. ; Intrinsic frames may Returns 1 if the unit is in range (40yds) and "Line of Sight" of most helpful spells, nil otherwise. version, build, date, tocversion, ← WoW API < IsSpellInRange inRange = IsSpellInRange(spellID, spellType, unit) inRange = IsSpellInRange(spellName, unit) Arguments (spellID, spellType, unit) OR (spellName, unit) Finds a unit token that maps to the supplied unit GUID. There are many API functions, for instance GetMinimapZoneText(). 3 (2019-12-10): Returns absolute Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. zoom = GetCameraZoom() Returns zoom number - the currently set zoom level Details Doesn't take camera collisions with the environment into Returns information on a console variable. ← WoW API < GetTime. pitcu ojsveyu cqwy ehrfj gqehig pep anedmza fbswjrd ashckki smsnubs